Google Algorithm and 8 Major google algorithm updates.

Google Algorithm and 8 Major google algorithm updates.

Google algorithms are the sets of rules that Google uses to rank websites in search results. Google’s complex system retrieves data from pages and seeks to understand what searchers are looking for and rank pages according to relevance and quality.

There are 8 major google algorithm updates.

1. Panda: User-generated spam, thin, duplicate, or copied material, and keyword stuffing.

2. Penguin: Links that are spammy or pointless; connections with excessively optimised anchor text.

3. Hummingbird: Stuffing material with keywords; poor content.

4.Mobile : Poor mobile usability due to lack of a mobile version of the website.

5. Rank-brain: weak content, bad UX, and lack of query-specific relevance

6. Medic: Weak E-A-T signals and a lack of authority on YMYL webpages.

7. Bert: Lack of context, poor writing, and lack of concentration.

8. Core Update: Larger updates are now referred to by Google as Google core updates.