What is google my business profile and what are there benefits .

What is google my business profile and what are there benefits .

Businesses and organisations may manage their web presence throughout Google with the help of the user-friendly Google Business Profile tool. You can modify the information about your company and verify it to make it easier for clients to locate you.

Benefits of Business Profile.

1. Manage your information

Control the information that users who search for your company or the goods and services you provide on Google find. Those who discover your company on Google Maps and Search can learn details about it, including your hours, website, and street address.

2. Interact with customers

Customer reviews are available for you to read and comment to. Provide pictures showcasing your work. Companies that include images in their Business Profiles saw a 42% increase in Google Maps requests for directions and a 35% increase in website hits compared to those who don't.

3. Understand & expand your presence

Learn more about ryour clients' search patterns and origins by gathering information. Using the phone number that appears on local search results in Search and Maps, you may also learn details such as how often customers call your business directly. You may make and monitor the results of Smart campaigns to spread the word about what you have to offer.