What is service marketing mix and what are the elements of service marketing mix?

Service Marketing Mix is the key internal component on which the strategy for marketing services will be formed. It is a tool for positioning and placing the services in the intended market.

The elements of service marketing mix are 7Ps:

1.Product: The Product, which comprises quality, packaging, design, and brand, is the first P in the service marketing mix. 

2.Price: Pricing, the second P of the marketing mix in the seven Ps of service marketing, denotes how much the buyer is willing to pay for your goods.

3.Promotion:The promotion mix element of the service marketing mix is concerned with what is communicated, to whom it is delivered, how that audience is reached, and how frequently it is advertised.

4.Place: The availability and distribution of your items to potential clients is referred to as place within the framework of the service marketing mix. 

5.People: The term "people" refers to employees who work for the business and offer customer service.

6.Process: The introduction of your products and services to clients is part of the process. Among the most important elements of the marketing mix.

7.Physical evidence: Physical Evidence is the term used to describe the tangible evidence of a business's existence and the completion of transactions.